Thursday, April 7, 2011

Assignment 2 - process

Step 1 --> create a script3.0 with 320x240.

Step 2 --> Import images created with Adobe Illustrator to Library.

Step 3 --> use pen tool trace out the background. 

Step 4 --> Using type tool to type out the word.

Step 5 --> Adding different motion using motion Tween by right-clicking the timeline bar.

Step 6 --> copy the whole typo & paste it to the stage, and using tween to
let it seem like do a reflection of it. 

Step 7 --> Import the KLCC image drawn in illustrator to the stage.

Step 8 --> Import the human to the stage.

Step 9 --> Add some typo to the stage.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Final Wallpaper

Wine Festival

Step 1 >> open a new file >> place the image in
Step 2 >> choose quick selection tool >> select the part which needed
Step 3 >> rename the layer
Step 4 >> place another image in
Step 5 >> choose quick selection tool >> select the part which needed
Step 6 >> choose clone stamp tool >> touch up the table
Step 7 >> place in another image
Step 8 >> choose quick selection tool >> select the part which are needed
Step 9 >> adjust the opacity
Step 10 >> open a new layer >> choose brush tool >> brush color
Step 11 >> move the layer downward
Step 12 >> choose healing brush tool >> blend the color
Step 13 >> filter >> render >> lens flare
Step 14 >> choose horizontal type tool >> type words
Step 15 >> effect >> drop shadow >> inner shadow >> stroke


Saturday, November 13, 2010


Step 1 >> open the chosen image
Step 2 >> add a new layer >> use eyedropper tool to select the blue color >> choose paint bucket tool to paint the new layer to blue >> adjust the position of the little mermaid
Step 3 >> use brush tool to cover the little type
Step 4 >> choose clone stamp tool >> cover the little fish
Step 5 >> open the grapes image >> choose quick selection tool >> select only the needed part >> paste to the image
Step 6 >> use eraser tool >> erase the unnecessary place
 Step 7 >> adjust the opacity of the grapes 
Step 8 >> open another image >> use selection tool >> select one grape
Step 9 >> cut the grape >> give the mermaid to hold it >> use blur tool >> blur it a bit
Step 10 >> add in a water effect and adjust the color to the color of wine
Step 11 >> use selection tool >> add in a cup of wine
Step 12 >> add grapes in >> act like rocks >> use blur tool >> blur it 
Step 13 >> choose horizontal type tool >> type " Wine Festival " >> duplicate layer >> adjust the new layer of type >> filter >> liquify

E~wallpaper ( research image )